Saturday, August 14, 2010

What to do when you're bored.

I am bored a lot. So I don't know what to do sometimes. I usually go on but sometimes there is nothing to do on there. So here are some other thing you can do when you are bored.
You can start a blog on You can have a water gargling contest. You can roller blade. You can play woofle ball. You can go on a walk. You can look up chuck norris google search. You can follow this blog. :) You can write a poem. You can go play golf. You can make an instrument out of stuff. You can take pictures of stuff. You can start a party, (if you're allowed to.)
You can make a building out of popsicle sticks and glue.
If you don't want to do any of that then your out of luck.


Friday, August 13, 2010

Snoopy... Bored post

I love Snoopy. I am bored right now so I am just going to write about tv and stuff. What's your favorite tv show? Mine is Glenn Beck. Watch Glenn Beck at 5:00PM on weekdays. On FOX News. Go to! Comment what your favorite tv show is.

The truth is, I just wanted to put up some pictures of Snoopy. But my favorite show really is glenn beck. Am I allowed to post his link? Oh well, can only do good :)


Please explain it to me

I don't understand why people like celebrities. Like movie star celebrities, not like Obama celebrities. (Although, I don't understand why people like Obama either.) Movie stars and singers like Lady Gaga or Miley Cyrus. Miley Cyrus is a straight out wac-job. She is a teenager that pole dances to a song about a party in America, on top of a ice cream stand, barely covered in clothes, while kids are in the room. Who does that? And her dad doesn't mind because "She's an entertainer." I don't know who was entertained by that performance. I was kinda disturbed. Please explain it to me why you would want to humiliate yourself like that? Because, I don't understand at all. And in her new song, "Can't be tamed," she says she can't be changed. If you cannot change from that, then Oh Dear Lord, there is something wrong with this country. Please explain to me why you would want your fans who are younger than 13 would want to see that? Why would ANYONE want to see that? Remember when even shaking your hips was very inopropriate! Well I can't remember that, I wasn't alive but I know! Jeez. Things have gone wrong. What ever happened to God in this country? Now they are trying to build a mosque 2 blocks away from ground zero? Sigh...



Sometimes, computers are the most frustrating things in the entire world. Except for terrorists of course. An big government, and... well maybe not THE most frustrating thing in the world, but you get the point. The worst thing that makes computers frustrating is when they are SLOW. Oh, I cannot stand slow computers. Well, if I can't stand them, I must be sitting... all the time. Because I bet you a penny, I have the slowest computers on the face of the planet. It took like 2 minutes to get to this page... grr. My family needs new computers. The 2nd most annoying thing, when you can't find what you are looking for on the internet. What if you have to do a report on something, and you can't find info about that topic online? You have to go through books, and books are not bad at all, and you should use books for reports, but you can use computers too! And 3rd, prices. I hate spending $1,499 dollars for a computer. Everyone hates to spend that kind of money. :( Sigh... my one computer is being fixed right now!!!! I excited to get it back. It's gonna be soooooo fast!!!!


Friday, July 16, 2010

New Penn State Gymnastics Coach?? PT 1

I don't get it. Penn State just hired the gymnastics coaches from Auburn Jeff and Rachelle Thompson to be the coaches. What was PSU thinking??? They have been to maybe 3 national championships in the past 10 years. Penn State called UCLA's coach Valorie Kondos asking what she thinks about married coaches. Not specifically the Thompson's. Kondos was thinking that they were talking about Mark and Renee Cook. Not the Thompson's. They were WORSE than Penn State was in the past years. PSU didn't even call Renee Cook to offer her the job... NOT EVEN TO ASK QUESTIONS. Cook was a PSU alum. And she has done a great job with the Arkansas Program.
How is Jeff going to fit in in Central Pennsylvania? He wears cowboy boots and a really big belt buckle to meets. Tim Curly (Athletic Director for PSU) says "Jeff has been very successful in his time at Auburn, as well as the club level." They have NOT made it to nationals in 5 darn years! Did Penn State even find out any information about them at all? Did they know that they were 1 year away from getting fired? And club gymnastics is absolutely nothing like college gymnastics. PSU knows nothing about college gymnastics and they don't care. View Part 2